• Javascript
  • React
  • SCSS

Photographer Statistics

A visually intuitive dashboard for tracking and showcasing a photographer's digital footprint: views, downloads, likes, followers, and more.

View project
  • Javascript
  • Angular
  • SCSS
  • Node.js

Occupancy Analytics

Real-time and historic occupancy data represented in a slick dashboard of widgets.

View project
  • Javascript
  • Plugin

Truly Responsive Tables

A premium Javascript plugin for creating responsive comparison tables.

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  • Design
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • SCSS

Adventure Tours

Landing page for USIT Travel's various adventure tour packages.

View project
  • Javascript
  • Angular
  • SCSS
  • Node.js

IoT Code Blocks

A user friendly drag-and-drop interface for writing and deploying code to IoT devices.

View project
  • SCSS
  • Javascript

Soccer Camp USA

Landing page for USIT Travel's USA soccer coaching programme.

View project

I'm Iain, an experienced frontend software engineer based in Dublin, Ireland.

Currently looking for new opportunities.